of Receipt Variables
Technologies and Sales Management Systems offer no support for this
Listing of variables that can be printed on customer receipt
This document provides the name and description of all the possible receipt variables that
QuickSell 2000 may use for customer receipt printing. By specifying the variable name and
its formatter on the receipt template, one can customize how the information will be printed
on a receipt. Please note that this is not a trivial task and changes to receipt templates
will affect how QuickSell prints receipts. We do not advise user's customization and will
not be responsible for any user's defined or modified receipt templates. Likewise, our
technical support staff will not be able to answer any questions on user's defined receipt
templates. This list is applicable to Version 2.10g.
Variable Name and Description
Transaction.Limit.Units The number of units an employee can purchase
Transaction.Limit.Purchases The amount (In currency) an employee can spend
Transactiun.Limit.Unitsleft Amount of units an employee has remaining.
Transaction.Limit.Purchasesleft The amount (in currency) an employee has left to spend
Transaction.Longcomment1 Comment of a transaction, Line 1.
Transaction.Longcomment2 Comment of a transaction, Line 2.
Transaction.Longcomment3 Comment of a transaction, Line 3.
Transaction.Longcomment4 Comment of a transaction, Line 4.
Transaction.Longcomment5 Comment of a transaction, Line 5.
Register.Number The number of the register that the receipt was printed on.
Cashier.Number Cashier's logon number.
Cashier.Name Cashier's logon name.
Tender.Descriptionpr Name of the tender, prefixed with "Paid".
Tender.Description Name of the tender, not prefixed with "Paid".
Tender.Amount Amount tendered.
Tender.Amountforeign Amount of foreign currency tendered. (Per tender type)
Tender.Change Amount of change returned.
Tender.Changeforeign Amount of change returned in foreign currency
Tender.Exchangerate Exchange rate (Domestic -> Foreign)
Tender.Exchagerateinverse Exchange rate (Domestic <- Foreign)
Tender.Totalforeign Total tendered in foreign currency. (Sum of individual tenders)
Tender.Isforeign Yes/No variable dictating if the transaction uses foreign currency.
Tender.CC.Number Credit Card number.
Tender.CC.Expiration Credit Card expiration date.
Tender.Cc.Approvalcode Approval code as received from EDC.
Tender.Check.Account The check's account number.
Tender.Check.Abanumber ABA Number as listed on a check.
Tender.Check.Dlnumber Drivers license number.
Tender.Check.Approvalcode Check approval code as received from EDC.
Tax.Description Name of tax.
Tax.Amount Amount of tax (In currency).
Tax.Percentage Tax rate (in percentage).
Customer.Accountnumber Customer's account number.
Customer.Name Customer's name.
Customer.Company Customer's company name.
Customer.Address Customer's address.
Customer.Address2 Second line of the customer's address.
Customer.City Customer's city.
Customer.State Customer's state.
Customer.Country Customer's country.
Customer.Zip Customer's zip code.
Customer.Citystatezip Customer's City, State, and Zip Code.
Customer.Citystatecountryzip Customer's City, State, Country and Zip Code.
Customer.Phonenumber Customer's phone number.
Customer.Faxnumber Customer's fax number.
Customer.Shipname Name under the "Ship to" field of a customer's account.
Customer.Shipcompany Company under the "Ship to" field of a customer's account.
Customer.Shipaddress Address under the "Ship to" field of a customer's account.
Customer.Shipaddress2 Second line of the address field in the "Ship to" field.
Customer.Shipcity City in the "Ship to" field of the customer's account.
Customer.Shipstate State in the "Ship to" field of the customer's account.
Customer.Shipcountry Country in the "Ship to" field of the customer's account.
Customer.Shipzip Zip code in the "Ship to" field of the customer's account.
Customer.Shipcitystatezip City, State and Zip code in the "Ship to" field.
Customer.Shipcitystatecountryzip City, State, Country and Zip code in the "Ship to" field.
Customer.Shipphonenumber Phone number in the "Ship to" field of a customer's account.
Customer.Shipfaxnumber Fax number in the "Ship to" field of a customer's account.
Customer.Balance Customer's balance before any transactions occur.
Customer.Balancelesstotal Customer's balance minus the transaction total.
Customer.Balanceplustotal Customer's balance plus the transaction total.
Layaway.Payment Payment being made on a layaway.
Layaway.Deposit Prior payments made on a layaway.
Layaway.Depositpluspayment Total Payments (Including current) made on a layaway.
Layaway.Balance Remaining balance on the layaway.
Droppayout.Amount Amount of cash that was dropped or paid out.
Droppayout.Comment Comment associated with a cash drop or pay out.
Droppayout.To The entity to whom the payout was made to.
Page.Number "X" in the equation: "Page x of y"
Page.Count "Y" in the equation: "Page x of y"
Form.Length Read variable only: Set the form's length.
Form.Footerlength Read variable only: Set the footer length.
Form.Repeatforsignatures Read variable only: Set whether or not to repeat for signatures.
Now Date, time in: mm/dd/yy h:mm am / pm
Eject Send the eject codes.
Receipt.Title Defined under Receipt Formats as Company Name.
Receipt.Text1 Defined under Receipt Formats as Line 1.
Receipt.Text2 Defined under Receipt Formats as Line 2.
Receipt.Text3 Defined under Receipt Formats as Line 3.
Receipt.Text4 Defined under Receipt Formats as Line 4.
Receipt.Text5 Defined under Receipt Formats as Line 5.
Store.Vatnumber Defined under Configuration, Tax as VAT Registration Number.
Entry.Itemlookupcode Item's Lookup Code.
Entry.Description Item's Description.
Entry.Quantity Quantity of the item on the current transaction.
Entry.Price Current price (including sales, discounts, etc...)of a
single unit of the item.
Entry.Fullprice Base price of the item.
Entry.Extendedprice Entry.Price times Entry.Quantity.
Entry.Extendedfullprice Entry.Fullprice times Entry.Quantity.
Entry.Pricedifferent True/False: Is the price not equal to the original price?
Entry.Isdiscount True/False. Is the item discounted?
Entry.Discount Amount the item has been discounted.
Entry.Extendeddiscount Entry.Discount multiplied by Entry.Quantity.
Entry.Singlequantity True/False. Does Entry.Quantity equal 1?
Entry.Multiplequantity True/False. Is Entry.Quantity greater than 1?
Entry.Negativequantity True/False. Is Entry.Quantity less than 0?
Entry.Salestax Item's price after tax.
Entry.Exclusive Amount of item's tax.
Entry.Taxrate Tax Rate for the current item,
Entry.Salesrepnumber Number of the Sales Rep who sold this item.
Entry.Discountpercent Percentage of the discount on the current item.
Entry.Department Department the current item is in.
Entry.Category Category for the current item.
Entry.Serial.Number Item's Serial Number
Entry.Matrix.Title1 First Matrix Heading.
Entry.Matrix.Title2 Second Matrix Heading.
Entry.Matrix.Title3 Third Matrix Heading.
Entry.Matrix.Field1 Value of the first Matrix Field.
Entry.Matrix.Field2 Value of the second Matrix Field.
Entry.Matrix.Field3 Value of the third Matrix Field.
Entry.Kit.Description1 Description of item 1 in a kit.
Entry.Kit.Description20 Description of item 20 in a kit.
Entry.Kit.Quantity1 Quantity of item 1 in a kit
Entry.Kit.Quantity20 Quantity of item 20 in a kit.
Entry.Lotmatrix.Description Description for the Lot Matrix item.
Entry.Lotmatrix.Quantity Quantity of item in Lot Matrix.
Entry.Quantityrequested Amount requested on a backordered sale.
Entry.Quantitybackorder Quantity of item on backorder.
Entry.Comment Comment for current item.
Entry,Comment1 First line of comment for current item.
Entry.Comment5 Fifth line of comment for current item.
Transaction.Subtotal Subtotal for entire transaction.
Transaction.Salestax Salestax for entire transaction.
Transaction.Total Total for entire transaction.
Transaction.Change Change due for transaction.
Transaction.Changefoodstamp Change given in food stamps (If applicable)
Transaction.Number Transaction ID Number.
Transaction.Discounts Total discounts for entire transaction.
Transaction.Isdiscounts True/False. Is Transaction.Discounts greater than 0?
Transaction.Time Time of transaction.
Transaction.Payout.Amount Amount paid out.
Transaction.Payout.Comment Comment for payout transaction.
Transaction.Payout.To Recipient of the payout.
Transaction.Iscancel True/False. Was the transaction canceled?
Transaction.Isnosale True/False. Is the transaction a no sale?
Transaction.Limit.Totalunits Total units purchased in this period
(Including current transaction).
Transaction.Limit.Totalpurchases Total amount in currency purchased in this period
(Including current transaction).
Receipt formatters:
B If the string variable is blank (Empty), then do not print the
entire line. If the string variable is not blank, then print the
line and print this variable as a string.
Value: John Smith
If the "B's" are filled then:
John Smith is displayed.
Otherwise nothing is displayed if the "B's" are blank.
H If the string variable is blank (empty), then do not print the
entire line. If the string variable is not blank then print the
line but do not print this variable.
Value: 12345
Format: Total savings are: HHHHHHH
If H = 12345 then:
Total Savings are:
Otherwise If H = Null then:
No line is displayed.
Z If the numeric variable is zero then do not print the entire line.
If the numeric variable is not zero, then print the line, but do
not print this variable.
Value: Not 0
Format: 00000.00Z
If Z=1 then
Otherwise if Result is 0 then nothing is displayed.
C Center the string variable.
Value: Red Meat
Result: Red Meat
L Left justify the string variable.
Value: John Smith
Result: John Smith
R Right justify the string variable.
Value: John Smith
Result: John Smith
G Print this numeric variable as a left-justified general number.
Value: 123.45
Result: 123.45
S Print this numeric variable as a right-justified general number.
Value: 123.45
Result: 123.45
$ Print this currency variable as a right-justified currency number.
Value: 1234.56
Result: $1,234.56
Date functions for use with the 'Now' statement:
c Print the date as ddddd and print the time as t t t t t, in that order.
Print only date information if there is no fractional part to the date serial
number; print only time information if there is no integer portion.
d Print the day as a number without a leading zero (131).
dd Print the day as a number with a leading zero (0131).
ddd Print the day as an abbreviation (SunSat).
dddd Print the day as a full name (SundaySaturday).
ddddd Print the date as a complete date (including day, month, and year), formatted
according to your system's short date format setting. The default short date
format is m/d/yy.
dddddd Print a date serial number as a complete date (including day, month, and year)
formatted according to the long date setting recognized by your system. The
default long date format is mmmm dd, yyyy.
w Print the day of the week as a number (1 for Sunday through 7 for Saturday).
ww Print the week of the year as a number (153).
m Print the month as a number without a leading zero (112). If m immediately
follows h or hh, the minute rather than the month is printed.
mm Print the month as a number with a leading zero (0112). If m immediately
follows h or hh, the minute rather than the month is printed.
mmm Print the month as an abbreviation (JanDec).
Mmmm Print the month as a full month name (JanuaryDecember).
q Print the quarter of the year as a number (14).
y Print the day of the year as a number (1366).
yy Print the year as a 2-digit number (0099).
yyyy Print the year as a 4-digit number (1009999).
h Print the hour as a number without leading zeros (023).
hh Print the hour as a number with leading zeros (0023).
n Print the minute as a number without leading zeros (059).
nn Print the minute as a number with leading zeros (0059).
s Print the second as a number without leading zeros (059).
ss Print the second as a number with leading zeros (0059).
t t t t t Print a time as a complete time (including hour, minute, and second),
formatted using the time separator defined by the time format recognized by
your system. A leading zero is printed if the leading zero option is selected
and the time is before 10:00 A.M. or P.M. The default time format is h:mm:ss.
AM/PM Use the 12-hour clock and print an uppercase AM with any hour before noon;
print an uppercase PM with any hour between noon and 11:59 P.M.
am/pm Use the 12-hour clock and print a lowercase AM with any hour before noon;
print a lowercase PM with any hour between noon and 11:59 P.M.
A/P Use the 12-hour clock and print an uppercase A with any hour before noon;
print an uppercase P with any hour between noon and 11:59 P.M.
a/p Use the 12-hour clock and print a lowercase A with any hour before noon;
print a lowercase P with any hour between noon and 11:59 P.M.
AMPM Use the 12-hour clock and print the AM string literal as defined by your
system with any hour before noon; print the PM string literal as defined by
your system with any hour between noon and 11:59 P.M. AMPM can be either
uppercase or lowercase, but the case of the string printed matches the string
as defined by your system settings. The default format is AM/PM.
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